starting with japan...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Everyday's a three-ring circus

It has dawned on me that it's been a while since I posted some pictures of my students. Notice the difference in recess might say a lawsuit waiting to happen. Interesting enough though, I see far fewer tears and injuries in Japan. These kids have a way of picking themselves up, brushing themselves off and hopping back on the unicycle, so to speak. Oh and had I mentioned that they clean the school everyday?

Monday, February 20, 2006

bringing the convenient store to a whole new level

Along with the i-pod, socks, undershirts, one-cup sake servings and very decent food can be purchsed here

Monday, February 13, 2006


No matter where I am, no matter what my immediate romantic situation may be, no Valentine's Day passes without an inventory of Valentine's Day's previous. Being a sentimental person, somewhat obsessed with the past, this recollection routine is impossible to avoid. On the contrary it provides some good laughs and smiles for those years when I wish I could sleep through all the mushy fuss.

There was that one year in high school that I spent a good half hour in the middle of the night trying to open a water-logged balcony door, to let in my then boyfriend who had so graciously climbed the side of the house with a bouquet of flowers and now stood freezing in the pouring rain, all the while, my dad knocking furiously on my door, suspicious that a boy was in the vicinity. I never did get the door open and if I recall correctly, he climbed down and went home, the flowers lying soaking in the February rain. One nearly full February 14th was spent on a computer, working at, assuring people that there arrangements would get to their loved ones on time. A blatant lie considering that many of the orders were still hastily being placed with local florists by other singles looking to make some extra cash. I still feel guilty about this one. One of my favorites was when I was little, no more than seven, and we took a family trip to Toys-R-Us. My sister, brother and I each got $10 to spend on anything. At the time $10 felt like a fortune and I ran through the store as if being timed, furiously deciding what to buy. I got a heart lollipop from a boy named Herman who had the same birthday as me when I was in fourth grade (he later asked for it back because I refused to go to the movies with him, unfortunately I had already eaten it) and last year I spent one portion of the night sprinting home from the subway station, so as not to miss 24 (I remain a season 1 fan only).

This year will be another one to recollect considering that February 14th is celebrated a bit differently here. On Valentine's Day in Japan women give men chocolates, not the reverse. And since it is customary, I have been told, in office situations, etc. to give, tomorrow I will give chocolate to many older men I barely know and whom I barely speak with considering the language gap. Any return gift will come on March 14th, White Day, when men are to give women gifts, though these gifts are not limited to chocolates. Now that I think of it, I am a bit surprised that Hallmark has not done something of this nature to drag the holiday into two days. Either way, still it is nice to give, even to those you don't love...or necessarily friend for that matter. But, to all those who may read this that I actually do love and friend, happy Valentine's Day, I wish you a joyous day, full of chocolates from random, foreign co-workers and stories worth looking back on.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

for a grand total of 15k

I managed to run my third 5k this weekend in Kamitonda and it really is amazing what a little training can do. Don't get me wrong, my time is no better really than when I first started running, but the overwhelming feeling of nausea and urge to purge is gone. In fact these runs are becoming somewhat enjoyable. Factor in the free shirt and goodie bag and it could be said I almost look forward these particular Sunday mornings. More importantly, the rest of the day is open for onsen relief and guilt free mass consumption of oishi food and drink. My new favorite after-run treat is Ume Shu (a plum liquor of sorts) in a single serving, easy pop-top jar, floating Umeboshi included.

aw, look at that pudgy hand

cheering on the real runners outside of Pete's house (and by real runners, I refer to the ones who actually ran a marathon)

Monday, February 06, 2006


Maybe it was because we stayed there for a full three days. Maybe it was because the travel there (air flight included) went smoothly or because the train ride felt safer than the last one. Or perhaps it was because we were on waters edge, where the river flows from south to north, where all roads in the area lead. No matter what the variables, I loved Varanasi, despite the warnings of the dangerous train ride there, the dirty streets, shady people and overall quizzical looks I got from some native Indians when reporting I was heading there. The river is magical I guess, invigorating. A god to some. Bathed in, drunk from, a burial ground, a playground. To say it is worshipped is an understatement. For when you wake up at 5 in the morning to hop in a small row boat for a river tour and witness the swimming and bathing in the frigid waters, the dead bodies shrouded in cloth and flowers, being carried from the water to be burned for three hours, you begin to understand.

We were told by one rickshaw driver in Delhi that if he ever hit a cow with his carriage, he would have to travel to Varanasi to bathe away the sin. Some bathers we saw were visitors, hopped from ghat to ghat, being sure to stop at the important ones(those that have the most religious temples or shrines are the most popular, the most crowded), while to others, like our yoga instructor (another story all together) it is their daily bath tub.

My dad used to turn to Lake Tahoe for a bath when we went camping during the summers. Too cold for me, but he would always return invigorated, ready to cook up some eggs and spam on the Coleman. The campsite spigot showers never produced the same results it seemed. Further supporting the notion that there is something to be said for nature's bathtubs. And living in Japan, I can attest to the satisfaction that accompanies communal-bathing, especially when outdoors.

Needless to say, I myself did not bath in the River Ganga. Sarcastic warnings from my parents and the way I felt after getting sick from the train food solidified that decision. Too many articles on the toxicity levels were a factor too I suppose. Upon mentioning the high pollution levels that tests on the river have yielded, our guide leaned over the side of the boat and cupping his hands together to form a bowl, scooped a gulp-full of water into his mouth. Refreshed, he looked at us as if to call our bluff. None of us followed his lead, though his point was clearly taken. Maybe the water is toxic, technically, and most likely had I drunk the same amount, perhaps Varanasi would not have been such a good friend to me, but to those that live there, it breathes, flows, life. For those that praise it, it is quite the opposite of toxic.

And so, for the next two days, our lives revolved around the ganga. We ate meals with it in view, watched the light of the rising sun reflect upon its waters, watched the evening prayer ceremonies on its edge and roamed the streets surrounding.

The streets of Varanasi are narrow and maze-like, more like alleys really. Too narrow for cars, I often had to step out of the way so that a bull or herd of water buffalo could pass. This stop, step to the side, then pass ritual has become somewhat routine living in rural Japan, but it usually involves bicycles and motor vehicles. And though it is easy to lose your way, more often than not, you will eventually reach a ghat and from there navigating is simple. . These narrow corridors, teeming with shops, mimicking holes in the wall, selling Indian goods from jewelry and silk shawls to drums and bangles, were lively and I could have spent weeks getting tangled in the walk ways, stumbling upon the out of the way music shops, the yoga studios three stories up, the stand full of fisherman pants in every imaginable color and spending time with street vendors like Angela and her son Om. Smells of rich Indian foods, mixed with cow dung and incense dancing through the air all the while. In India, Chai tea is never far from arms reach and neither is a marble statue of Lord Ganesh, this is especially true in Varanasi.

With the guidance of R.S. Kumar, we, along with the morning boat ride, were able to see a days worth of temples and historical sights in Varanasi and Sarnath. Many of the temples I could never have found on my own, considering the layers of streets and stairways they were buried beneath. We could only look at the Gold Temple from a short distance, since we are not Hindu. Another, Durga Temple, we could only walk along the upper rim of for the same reason. The Monkey Temple, quite fittingly had many monkeys outside of it (beware when taking off your shoes) and another, Bharat Mata Temple, paid tribute to the land of India with a to-scale topographical map of India on its floor. Carnival-like automated scenes from the Ramayana are housed in the Rama temple, which also has the entire text written on its walls (hence it is two stories). Sarnath, which I did not know prior, is only about 20km from Varanasi. The stupa that Siddhartha visited is there. An Indian excavation site is there. And just like that, in a short car ride through dusty streets, we had gone from the Ganges River, to the birthplace of Buddhism.

The sheer number of temples and sites that we visited that day along with the depth, span of history and thought that they each represented and honored, left us exhausted and fulfilled. Temple day was worth it and the rest of our time in Varanasi was left to eat good food, cautiously, and watch the monkeys jungle gym around the hotel. A bumpy rickshaw ride to the train station two days after our arrival and a couple of hours of being surrounded and stared at by men (just when you forget how much you stand out), we boarded another overnighter back to Delhi for a final day in India before leaving.

Varanasi, Varanasi, you linger in the mind...

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Let it Snow

So, to follow the last post, marking the end of the coldest part of winter and the beginning of the beginnning of Spring, I wanted to give you this. It's the first Saturday in a long time that I have spent in Gobo, and this is what I woke to;)

Friday, February 03, 2006

Oni wa Soto, Fuki wa Uchi!

Yesterday may have been groundhog day in the States (and from what I hear, Pungsatawnee has predicted another six weeks of winter) but on this side of the ocean, today was Setsubun. Every year on February 3rd the end of the coldest part of winter and the beginning of spring is marked, though today was far colder than yesterday and I have heard that we have not seen the end of it. Nevertheless, Setsubun is marked by some fun(ny) little traditions. The most important of the rituals is the mame maki, or throwing of beans. Dried beans (i believe they are soy beans) are thrown out and around the house, while saying "Oni wa Soto, Fuki wa Unchi," which translates to "Oni out, Happiness in". An Oni is basically a Japanese devil, so the ritual is a cleansing of sorts, a flushing of evil spirits, the beginning to a new season. The beans are then picked up by members of the family who eat the number according to their age, plus one, for luck and I suppose because beans tend to spill. An additional tradition, which apparently is more specific to western Japan (my hood) is the eating of Nori Maki. Nori Maki is sushi made with seven colorful fillings, representing the seven gods of happiness. The sushi roll is left uncut and each person is supposed to face the lucky direction of the year (based on the lunar calendar) and eat the whole entire roll (about 20cm) without talking.

I only found out about Setsubun last week and had admitedly been looking forward to the quirky rituals. My friend Corri and I eagerly rushed to the store after work and though we didn't get the correct type of sushi (according to the options at the market, any kind of sushi roll will due) we accomplished the scarfing of the roll without talking (though laughing), facing SSE, hopefully bringing us much luck with business, longevity from freedom from illness this new lunar year. And to finish it off, I ate 26 beans (apparently it's one more bean than the number of years you will be this year). So, happy Setsubun and if it's still the 3rd wherever you are, there is still time. Have fun!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

been there...

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