starting with japan...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

transportation (and random facts) by the numbers

days traveling: 24
countries visited:3 (4 if you count the Beijing airport)
planes flights taken:12
funky mirror buses ridden:1 (less exciting shuttle buses: at least 4)
boats ridden:9-12 (depending on the count and whether you count rafts, bamboo and other, as boats)
trains taken:1
motorbikes ridden:1
tuk tuk, flat bed truck, remorks, cyclos taken: too many to count
leeches bitten by:1
insects eaten: 1 very large, seasoned grasshopper
deceased communist leaders bodies seen: 1
lbs. gained: ;)

**I have returned from travels and am back in Japan, but as is expected was not able to sit down and write for long enough at a computer to post during the adventures. Thus, these next few posts to come are an amalgam of journal writings and remembrances. Apologies for the lag.


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