starting with japan...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

In Gobo--August 11, 2005

Let's see, it has now been about three weeks exactly since I arrived in Wakayama prefecture, Gobo-shi and Hidakagawa-cho specifically (neighboring towns; the first is where I live, the second is where I work). The jet-lag has worn off, no more waking up at 5am, and the initial shock has dissipated, but I still have my moments of "where the fuck am I?." Still though, I am learning to enjoy those episodes and becoming comfortable with the fact that any panic moment can quickly turn to excitement by something as little as a funny road sign, ridiculous t-shirt, or good conversation (especially those that involve me using my Japanese). 

Riding my bike everywhere, I have yet to fall in the ditches that separate the rice patties from the road, but I have surely tasted a fair share of mosquitos and dodged a few cicadas (semi) as well. Damn, them buggers are loud. Piercing to be exact. And unfortunately for me, the kids love to play with them. One of the two big things that I have learned living and working here, is that one, the bigs are huge and the kids have no fear of them. A typical afternoon at the preschool involves shaking the semi out of the trees, picking them up and shaking them so they scream. This along with chasing each other with the huge beetles with inch-long pinchers growing out of their heads like a rhino, is something I still have to get used to. The secong thing to beware of teaching here is something that is commonly known and accepted by all as "kancho". Kids all over Japan link their fingers together, with the two index fingers pointed out (like a play gun) and then proceed to try and stick their fingers up your ass. That is "koncho". They do it to each other,the teachers and I myself have had to avoid a few close encounters. It`s crazy. And everyone just laughs about it. No biggie, just kids being kids. Apparently the best thing to do is grab the little poker, turn him/her around and give his friends a free kancho opportunity. So if ever in the situation, now you know what to do. Beware of Kancho.


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