starting with japan...

Friday, August 26, 2005

plane, trains and automobiles--July 27, 2005

It is amazing how jet-lag can completely cloud your brain. I have only now experienced the shock that ones body experiences after flying across the world for 13 hours, riding a bus for an hor and jumping straight into workshops, drinking, karaoke-ing, and dancing without taking a nap to catch up. Weak in the knees, slow in the brain and nervous in the heart. It honestly makes you feel like a different person...but this could also be due to the fact that my world has changed. I am now in Japan. Most specifically, I am in Wakayama. Unknown to most who I ask, it happens to be the birth prefecture of my great grandparents, and to be honest is pretty out in the middle of nowhere, from what I have seen so far. But this is also campared to Tokyo (more on that later, Im going on two hours sleep). I am realizing that this year is going to be a big change.


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