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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Day's High/Low/fluorescent-lights

***Today I helped out in the Chugakkou (Junior High School) music class. I was asked to help read and pronounce the lyrics to "Eidel Weiss" and "Doe a Deer, a Female Deer." Then the students began picking out songs to sing for a group project. Among the choices were Hey Jude (pronounced for the most part as Hey Judo), We are the World and The Carpenters' On Top of the World, which by the way turns out to be a karaoke favorite here ( don't fret if you don't know it, neither did I). Three 2nd year girls requested singing Mariah Carrey's Christmas Song, but due to lack of lyric and music sheets, it is probable that they will sing Titanic's "My Heart Will Go On," or ABBA's "Dancing Queen."

***The confusion and worry regarding my fellow Hidakagawa-cho ALT, Ben, and my decision to not use the uncovered, insanely bright fluorescent lights that beat down on everyone else working in our Town Hall office has subsided. Due to restructuring, Ben and I were moved to our own office across the hall, where a huge window provides plenty of natural sunlight and a refuge from the headache inducing lights. But, the decision was not without multiple comments/concerns daily, questioning our well-being in the "dark". We and our co-worker have apparently agreed to be puzzled about one another and peace and calm has returned to the third floor.

***This morning I walked into the office and found a Sweet Potato on my desk. I am nearly positive that this is a good sign.

***Visa applications are currently being processed for an upcoming trip to India in December.

***This one does not qualify for today, but on Sunday I sacrificed my first piece of clothing to my bike. A black v-neck sweater, cherished for its versatility is now one-sleeved and the lesson not to wear items around the waist while biking, has been learned.


At October 19, 2005 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I mourn for your black v-necked sweater.


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